How it works
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Learn how to use our website in 8 easy steps.
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Step 1!
Register Yourself
By Clicking the Register button or Add Profile button on the homepage.
You can register yourself.

Step 2!
Choose a membership package!
Get unlimited access at the price of Rs. 300/-

Step 3!
Sign up as a New member
Fill in your details on the sign-up page and click on Register.

Step 4!
Receive Invoice

Step 5!
Membership Verification
E-mail verification can allow your profile to upgrade as a verified profile. "Verified" badge will be shown on your profile to all the members.

Step 6!
Go to Home Page
Go to and click on add profile to let your profile go worldwide live.

Step 7!
Create a New
Fill in all the details asked in the form. It is mandatory to fill in each and every detail asked except the keywords section.

Step 8!
Now your profile is worldwide live. Update your profile whenever you think fit to do so.

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